Islamic Azan and prayer timings with Alarms and Azkaar for 300 cities in India
Version: 2.5
Program available in: English
Program license: Free
Program by: KS Mobile Apps
IndiaPrayer is an Android app developed by KS Mobile Apps (bldg 258, discovery gardens, dubai).
IndiaPrayer first became available on 07 Feb 2014. It is estimated that IndiaPrayer has been downloaded between 100000 and 500000 times from the Play Store.

Programs similar to IndiaPrayer
Malaysian Solat info based on JAKIM!
Panduan Solat
This application as a guide for muslim on solat (pray) ibadah.
World Prayer
Daily prayer timings for 251 countries of the world with prayer alarms/sharing
UAE Prayer
prayer timings for dubai abu dhabi fujairah sharjah alain rasalkhaimah uae